If you use the Wizard functionality in the Relations application, you now have the ability to upload personal data via eID or CompanyWeb.
This saves work and time and all information of the relevant relations will be entered in CICERO LawPack quickly.
How does it work exactly? First eID. If you are in the Wizard at Step 1 and you click the eID button the pop up as shown below opens.
Here you can read the details of identity cards and save them to the relation. You connect your card reader to the PC, put the card in it and click the button Read. The data on the card will be displayed on the screen, including photo. To save the data click the Update button.
When you click the button CompanyWeb at Step 1 in the Wizard you can, based on VAT number, directly request the information of the particular relation from Companyweb. In addition, the statutory (address) data will also be loaded directly into CICERO, so you do not have to enter it manually. This is only possible if your office has a CICERO license at CompanyWeb.
Don’t you have a license at CompanyWeb? For more information, contact CompanyWeb on +32 2 752 17 60 and mention the license concerns CICERO LawPack.